
First-time Alligator Hunter caught a Giant 13ft and 604lbs Gator on Ashley river - Summerville

Fishermen net a Giant Rare Croaker 'as precious as a panda' which weighs 105 pounds and 5ft 2in long

Baby born with 31 digits: Chinese boy born with 15 fingers and 16 toes undergoes surgery

Handbag made from a Taxidermy CAT goes on sale in NZ and Seller thinking it all NORMAL

Plastic Surgery addicted Pete Burns admits he's had over 300 operations to fix botched surgery

Transgender Kim Kardashian lookalike who was born a boy returned to school after holidays as a girl

Woman takes her male companion for a walk on a DOG LEASH in China

Little Fighter Baby Emilia was born weighing just 229 grams and She is the World's Tiniest

Spider infested town where the locals have started Fry and Eating them in Cambodia

Rarest condition of Kenyan man Organ has 10 times bigger than average and turn his life into a nightmare

Never give up Student who lost his Legs but Crawls to school and he's also a Star pupil

323 Reindeer Electrocuted by Lightning Strike after Norwegian national park is hit by stormy weather

Drug dealer in disguise: Fugitive is caught wearing Old Man Mask in Massachusetts