
People taking Selfies and leave Graffiti after Blue Whale Washed up on a Beach

Man steals thumb from one of the 'Terracota Warriors' in Philadelphia museum

US Marines eat Frogs, Scorpions and drink Cobra blood in Survival Training in Thai jungle

RAT Mutation dubbed L120Q is resistant to toxins will soon Plague and invade UK

Scientists reveal 10,000 year old ‘Cheddar Man’ face who was unearthed 1903 in UK

Man Fooled Beauty Contest by posing as Female model who beat 4,000 women to reach the FINAL

Ancient Spiders with SCORPION tails are found in rainforests of Burma amber

Villagers Found 3 Mysterious Giant Metal Spheres Fall from the Sky Over Peru

Russian man 'Claims' caught Mutated 'Underwater Pike Dragons' in Siberian river

China's 4000 years old Mysterious 'Mole Town' where Residents still Live in Underground Houses

12 Camels are disqualified from Saudi Arabian beauty contest for using BOTOX

Scientists reconstruct the face of 9,000-Year-Old 'Angry' girl who lived in Mesolithic era

Brazil's Sand King is living in Sand Castle for 22 years in Rio de Janeiro beach