Woman With Two Wombs Gives Birth To Twins From Each

A woman born with two wombs has beat one in 50 million odds of having twins with one baby growing in each uterus.

Ashley Calo, was left speechless after her doctor told her would be having twins and that there would be one baby growing in each of her wombs.

The mother-of-three, from Bristol, Connecticut was born with uterus didelphys, which means she has two wombs and two cervixes.

In April, she welcomed one boy and one girl, Zoey and Parker, now six months, who were both born at 6lb 6oz.

Ashley, who is also mother to daughter Cassidy said she and her husband Mike, a dental lab technician, never even knew this could be possible.

But the couple are now happier than ever after the arrival of their twins.

The stay-at-home mother said: 'I was at my eight week ultrasound when I found out.

'I gave the technician the usual spiel about how I have a double uterus, just to give her a heads up that she would see one uterus empty.

'Then she told me that I was having twins, and that one was growing in each womb.

'My doctor said it was the first time he had seen this in his 30 years of practising medicine.'

The condition usually does not cause any symptoms, Ashley first discovered that she had a double uterus after undergoing an ultrasound for a kidney infection as a teenager.

'I was worried that it might affect my chance at having kids, but thankfully this wasn't an issue.

'I had my daughter Cassidy, and then we decided we'd like to have two kids so we began trying again.

'And now we got three. It was a lovely surprise, we couldn't be happier.

Ashley's doctors say they are twins but it could be argued they are not truly twins as they are born in separate wombs.

'The pregnancy with the twins was far more taxing on my body. I was always hungry and was constantly eating, they were just consuming everything I ate.

'They're such great babies, and each have their own little personalities that grow bigger every day.

'We couldn't be happier with our family and it will be a fun story to tell them about mommy's double uterus when they're older!'

Music: "Everglow" Patrick Patrikios
Source: Daily Mail
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