Two Headed Tortoise Turns 23 Years Old And Believed To Be Oldest Of Its Kind

New photos have been released of a two headed tortoise that could be the oldest of its kind as it turns 23 next month.

The Greek tortoise, called Janus, was born in the Museum of Natural History in Geneva, Switzerland on September 3rd 1997.

It has become one of the main attractions to the museum because Janus is also the museum's mascot. 

The tortoise likely would not have survived so long in the wild due to its anomaly, since it cannot retreat its heads and claws back in its shell like normal tortoises do when facing danger.

But at the Natural History Museum of Geneva, the visitor favorite enjoys special pampering, including daily baths and time under UV lights, which ensure that its shell remains strong.

Both of Janus' heads have separate brains and live separate lives, according to a caregiver, who says one has a dominant character, while the other is more sedate.

The heads' attempts to steal food from one another never fail to draw a crowd of visitors.

Janus, named after the Roman god often depicted with two faces, hatched at an incubator in the museum in 1997.

Music: 'X Ray Vision' Slynk by Youtube Music Library
Source: DailyMail, DailySabah
