People's Creative Hairstyles Revealed In Hair Freezing Contest 2020 Canada

They are the winners of the Takhini Hot Springs Hair Freezing Contest, where entrants have to dip their heads in the Takhini hot spring, then style their hair and/or beards into an eye-catching shape as the frigid air freezes the strands.

This year there have been 288 entries, and here we present the five winners - Best Male, Best Female, Best Group, Most Creative and People's Choice - along with a selection of wacky entries.

The winners have each scooped $2,000 in prize money, plus free soaks in the steaming lagoon.

The spring is located 20 minutes north of Whitehorse, Yukon, in northwest Canada, and is run by Andrew Umbrich.

The best temperature for hair-freezing is -20C or below, according to a 'how to' section on the spring's website.

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Music: "Cubic Z" Dan Lebowitz by Youtube Music Library
Source: Daily Mail, Hair Freezing Contest
