Baby, Mother And Grandmother Sharing Same 'Birthday' Defying Odds Of 50 Million to One

A baby girl has been born on the same day as both her mother and grandmother - defying odds of 50-million-to-one.

Harper Taylor, from Birmingham, West Midlands, was born on February 8 this year, joining her mother Evie Berry and grandmother Jacqui Berry who both share the same birthday.

Evie was due to give birth in January but ended up being induced on February 4, with her baby daughter holing on to arrive on the special day.

Evie, a telephone salesperson, revealed: 'I still can't get my head around it. It wasn't how I'd planned to spend my birthday - but we have so many wonderful birthdays to look forward to together now!' 

When Evie woke up on her birthday in Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Birmingham, she was told by medics that 'enough was enough' and it was about time to artificially break her waters to move the pregnancy along.

Evie was delighted when her second little girl Harper arrived at 6.48pm weighing 7lbs 8ozs.

The little one remained in hospital for 10 days under observation, but is now home with her family and bringing a smile to all those who meet her.

'Next year will be a big celebration,' Evie said. 'Harper's 1st birthday, and our first chance to celebrate all together, the three of us.'

A spokesperson said: 'This is astonishing. We would put the odds in the region of 50 million to one for three generations of the same family sharing a birthday.'

Music: "
Wishful ThinkingDan Lebowitz by Youtube Music Library
Source: Daily Mail, Pexels
