Fish Looks Like a COW: Fisherman catches bizarre “Cow-colored” Catfish in Oklahoma

A man has caught a fish that look exactly like a cow. The man who caught the fish, many described as the first of a kind in a lake.
This will sound like an alien story.

A man in Oklahoma identiefied as Austin Claunch, has caught a catfish that look so much like a cow. The first-of-its-kind fish has white body and black spots and looked so much like a cow.

The man who caught the fish, shared photos of it on a public group on Facebook and Oklahoma Fishing Fools, asking "Has anyone ever seen anything like this?? This fish was caught at Lake Eufaula."

However, the Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation explained that: "It was just a regular channel catfish. Piebald’s are abnormalities in the animal kingdom. They occur occasionally in most all animal species. It was just a genetic malfunction."

Piebald is defined as spotted or blotched with black and white. The rare catfish was also described as a leucistic catfish, which is essential the same as piebald.

Partial leucism, better known as the piebald effect, is caused by a reduction in multiple types of pigment. This results in irregular patches of white skin in contrast to the animal’s normal color. The condition can be found in many different species, including common game animals such as deer and elk, but also domestic animals such as cows, goats, goldfish, and birds.

Music : Spellbound by Kevin MacLeod
Source : KFOR , Onlinenigeria , Facebook
