CCTV Ghost Sighting on Police Station: New Mexico police officers capture 'ghost creature' on their station

Surveillance footage captured a spectral figure moving through the building last Saturday night.

The translucent shape appears to walk through a chain-link fence and then back again.

Officers say there is no way to get out of the secure area without triggering an alarm.

Francisco Galvan, records supervisor at the station, told: "It's definitely pretty strange.

"You can see it's not an insect crawling across the lens. You can see it has legs.

"I do believe in ghosts and I believe it could be some entity or spirit."

He said that officers have reported unexplained sightings at the station in the middle of the night.

"We have people on graveyard shifts here who say they have seen strange things out of the periphery of their vision," he said.

Detective Karl Romero, who was on duty that night, reported the eerie incident to his superiors.

"At first, I thought it was a fly or moth," he told local media. "Then, I saw the legs and it was a human.

"But not a real human. No, a ghost."

Such spooky goings-on might prompt paranormal investigators to wonder if the station was built on some ancient burial ground.

But according to Mr Galvan, the site formerly hosted a call centre and contracting business.

Source : Skynews, Espanola Police Station
