Hunter can feed family for YEAR : Shooting GIANT 500 lb HOG dead following month-long game of cat-and-mouse

A hunter in North Carolina has solved has food bill for the next year after tracking and killing a mammoth wild boar weighing in at over 500 pounds.

Veteran hunter Jett Webb, of Conetoe, bagged the beast last month using his .308 caliber rifle after baiting the animal for over a month.

'It was very surreal,' Webb told WSPA. 'It was a shock. It was very humbling to say the least, when you walk up on a beast that big and you say, "Oh my gosh. I had no idea that there could be something that big running around the woods of Eastern North Carolina.'"

A month ago Webb spotted the wild beast roaming and quickly realized that it was the same behemoth that other members of the White Oak Ranch Hunting Club had been trying to capture for years after it was first spotted on trail cameras.

'The Mohawk down the back,' said Webb, 'the tusks really lean, the muscular big front end. This is far from a domesticated docile pig that we're used to.'

Once the beast was dead, Mike Mansell, president of the hunting club, said it took a major effort to transport it.

'It takes your breath away for a second to realize how big this hog is,' he said. 'It took up the entire bed of the pick-up truck.'

Weighing the prime catch was also a tricky task and in the end the club had to use scales normally used for weighing tobacco bales, according to the North Carolina Sportsman.

Rather than display his prize hog’s head as he has done with other big kills, Webb decided that this prize catch would be best harvested for meat.

Once the 500lb monster had been chopped up there was enough sausages, pork chops and tenderloin to fill two coolers to the brim.

Webb estimates that the pig has provided enough meat to feed him and his family for an entire year.

While certainly a behemoth, Webb's boar isn’t the largest on record. In 2007 an 11-year old boy shot and killed a wild boar in Alabama that weighed more than 1,000 pounds.

Source : DailyMail , WSPA
