Brazil fake finger scandal: Doctor used fake fingers to sign in absent colleagues

A Brazilian hospital doctor used 'fake fingers' made of silicon to record the attendance of fellow medics when they were not at work.

Officers seized six 'fingers' from doctor Thauane Nunes Ferreira, 29, when they arrested her on Sunday following a tip-off.

The ensuing scandal has led to investigations in Ferraz de Vasconcelos, near Sao Paulo, into the number of 'ghost workers' in the town.

He told a news conference: 'We have an army of ghosts.'

He added: 'This case is a huge disappointment. Let's put cameras to monitor the clocks to not let that happen again.'

Mr Fillo said they believe 'ghost workers' around found in public offices including health, security and education.

Ferreira, who had been under surveillance, confessed to falsifying a public document after she was caught using the fingers to fool the biometric machine into recording colleague's attendance.

Medics at the Office of Mobile Emergency Care (Samu) have to sign in using their hands to record their attendance.

Eleven doctors and 20 nurses are believed to be involved in the scam, reported The Telegraph.

Ferreira told police that signing in absent colleagues was a condition of her employment and that the system was organised by Samu coordinator Jorge Cury.

However he told the G1 website that he had been called by the health secretary and had to speak to police.

He said: 'This is absurd! I've been a city official for 25 years and I've never known of this happening.'

The Brazilian website reported that five doctors suspended after the arrest are still receiving their wages until an inquiry has concluded.

The number of doctors at the hospital has now dropped from 15 to 10, meaning that shifts that used to have two doctors now have just one.

Brazil's Health Ministry has started an audit of Samu and staff are working their way through documents to discover who was involved in the scam and how it worked.

It is not yet clear whether the doctor used specific finger prints to trick the machine or how they were made.

Source : DailyMail
