Syrian missile strike hits 30 and many homes

Residents of Syria's biggest city, Aleppo, survey the fallout from a deadly weekend missile strike. The bombardment killed at least 30 people and levelled dozens of homes in this residential neighbourhood, say activists.
The attacked - which activists say featured Scud missiles - happened Friday night. It was the latest mass killing in what has become a bitter, two-year-old conflict between rebels and the government of president Bashar al-Assad.

This rebel fighter said government forces targeted civilians with the strike, which he says killed six members of one family alone. On Sunday, the U.S. condemned the Aleppo strikes, which, it says, demonstrates the "ruthlessness" of Bashar al-Assad's government. These words followed an angry protest from the main Syrian opposition group over what it called an "international silence" on the missile attacks on Aleppo.

Source : Reuters
