Rude Route Spotted ! Pilot draws "Unusual Shape" in the air with GPS flight data

The pilot of a private plane has drawn a giant penis in the air using GPS flight data.

The route of the two-seater, single engine plane started out innocently enough, taking off from Kissimmee Airport and ascending to an altitude of 1,800 feet.

However it soon took a sharp turn right to start drawing one side of the shaft, following an 80-km path that eventually created the childish outline of a penis and testicles, before flying off.

The rude route was spotted by Flightrader24, which monitors the movements of aircraft in real-time.

The plane in question is owned by a company called B&M Aviation, based in Orlando.

Others have taken a more romantic approach to giant GPS messaging. In December a runner proposed to his girlfriend of two years by running miles to spell out the big question using his smartphone's GPS.

Music : Hidden Agenda by Kevin MacLeod
Source : Flight Radar , Mirror
